Tag Vlog

What is the Christian faith all about?

Book Recommendation: Basic Christianity by the late John Stott

In this classic book John Stott explains the basic message of the Christian faith.

  • who did Jesus claimed to be?
  • what did he try to accomplish?
  • what should be ‘our’ response?

You can see the vlog here

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Four things that help me make sense out of evil and suffering

A few thoughts about suffering and evil that help me personally

  • Suffering and evil is a reality we all face day in and day out. In this vlog, I share four things that I find helpful when I think about suffering and evil.
    • First, a helpful distinction. It is not only an intellectual problem.
    • Furthermore, who has to give a response to the problem of suffering and evil?
    • In addition, what is evil? why is there so much suffering in the world?
    • Finally, what is the Christian responds to suffering and evil?
  • What are your thoughts to these four things? leave a reply and I will be happy to respond.

You can watch the vlog here 

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Make room for thought: is faith unreasonable?

View the vlog here

MAKE ROOM FOR THOUGHT: Is faith unreasonable?

Students in Leiden here in The Netherlands run a week with talks about the meaning of life.

So they asked me to prepare a talk about the question of faith in relation to reason. My talk was under the general topic of MAKE ROOM FOR THOUGHT. Here then is a summary of my talk in 5 minutes.

We all have the same starting point: we believe something about reality. The real question then is: which view makes more sense? Would like to hear what you think. leave a comment or ask a question. Stay safe!


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The one thing that is not true about God

Here is my vlog about the one thing that is not true about God.

God cares!

View the vlog here

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Προσευχή και τα καλά νέα – Β’ Θεσσαλονικής 3,1-2

Η ομιλία είναι στα Ελληνικά (This talk is in the Greek language)

Samuel Zwemmer, a missionary statesman, once said that “the history of missions is the history of answered prayers.” In this talk, we draw three lessons from 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2.

The apostel Paul is asking prayer for the advancement of the good news, for receptivity and protection. This talk is in Greek and was delivered at the Greek Evangelical Church in Thessaloniki.
