Christian Apologetics Course at Tyndale

Christian Apologetics Course at Tyndale

Christian Apologetics Course PA610

Since 2016 every fall semester I am teaching the Christian Apologeitcs course to M.Div students (master of divinity) at Tyndale. It is an international setting, students come from all continetns and from different church backgrounds. This makes the course even more interesting than studying it only in a western country setting. It is an enriching experience.

I personally have studied at Tyndale in 2000-2003. It was a good preparation for both my current student/campus ministry, but also for further accademic studies. There is a practical emphasis in this course. We try to find ways to apply what we learn during the course but also for our future ministries.

Short description of the course

This class is for the Master of Divinity program, but it could be an elective for the Master of Evangelical Theology program. The Christian world view will be related to competing world views, e.g. postmodernism, deism, atheism, naturalism, materialism, pantheism. Also covered are the nature of the relationship of faith and reason and other apologetic issues, such as the problem of evil, the possibility of incarnation, the case for the resurrection.

Here you can find more information about the different programs of the school.

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