Category Corona

Four things that help me make sense out of evil and suffering

A few thoughts about suffering and evil that help me personally

  • Suffering and evil is a reality we all face day in and day out. In this vlog, I share four things that I find helpful when I think about suffering and evil.
    • First, a helpful distinction. It is not only an intellectual problem.
    • Furthermore, who has to give a response to the problem of suffering and evil?
    • In addition, what is evil? why is there so much suffering in the world?
    • Finally, what is the Christian responds to suffering and evil?
  • What are your thoughts to these four things? leave a reply and I will be happy to respond.

You can watch the vlog here 

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Make room for thought: is faith unreasonable?

View the vlog here

MAKE ROOM FOR THOUGHT: Is faith unreasonable?

Students in Leiden here in The Netherlands run a week with talks about the meaning of life.

So they asked me to prepare a talk about the question of faith in relation to reason. My talk was under the general topic of MAKE ROOM FOR THOUGHT. Here then is a summary of my talk in 5 minutes.

We all have the same starting point: we believe something about reality. The real question then is: which view makes more sense? Would like to hear what you think. leave a comment or ask a question. Stay safe!


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The one thing that is not true about God

Here is my vlog about the one thing that is not true about God.

God cares!

View the vlog here

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COVID-19 Hope makes a difference

Almost everyone is concerned about the COVID-19 outbreak.

Many people responsibly take preventive measures. Others are in the middle of a crisis and find it difficult to deal with it. Most people are deeply concerned about their loved ones.

Some universities in The Netherlands have decided to not have on-campus education.

In this short blog (see here), Marilyn Adamson reflects on the reality of God and how this can make a difference in our lives. In the middle of our anxieties, there is hope!

How do you deal with anxiety? Leave a comment and I will be happy to reply within a week.
