Join the StudentLife Lift-Off on Saturday the 28th of October. A day full of inspiration, meeting each other and sharing testimonies. All meant to help you develop a lifestyle of sharing the gospel.
The theme of this day is Lifted by the Spirit, rooted in community. The book of Acts tells us how the church was born through Christians sharing the gospel of Jesus. This would be impossible if it wasn’t for the Holy Spirit being poured out over them: the Christians let the Spirit lead them in everything they do.
The Spirit creates a loving community for the people to be able to keep sharing the gospel. It is this community, where people share everything with each other and live abundantly, that is so incredibly attractive to people.
The Lift-Off will take place in Delft and it starts at 9.30am and ends at 4.15pm
A rough outline of the day:
Conversations at The Hague campus: using a questionnaire to start conversations about the meaning of life. It is easier and more fun than you think!
Are you a student and would like to grow in the are of witnessing for Jesus and communicating good news? then the following events are for you.
We focus on three areas the coming few weeks: Prayer – Action Group – Training
At this link you can find more information StudentLife activities
Are you a student and you would like to grow in the area of witnessing for Jesus at your campus? Then this is for you!
Ben je student of ken je studenten in Den Haag? StudentLife start een groep en gaat komende vrijdag in gesprek met studenten op de uni. Ben je erbij? Deel dit bericht in je netwerk!
We start coming Friday November the 4th at 10:00-11:30 with prayer led by Rachel at Justice House of Prayer, Korte Veerstraat 230, Den Haag. Then we go to the The Hague University campus 12:30-13:30. Students are welcome to either the one or the other or to both.
Connect at
Wat studeer je (studierichting/-jaar)? En waarom heb je deze studierichting gekozen?
What courses are you studying (course/year)? Why did you choose these courses?
Wat zijn je interesses buiten je studie?
What has your interests beyond your studies?
Wat vind je het belangrijkst in je leven? Waarom? What gives your life value and meaning? Why?
Wat zou je aan het einde van je leven bereikt willen hebben? Hoe doenk je dat te gaan doen? What do you want to accomplish by the end of your life?
Wat denk je dat er met je zal gebeuren na dit leven? What do you believe happens to people after they die?
Hoe denk je over God?
What do you think about God?
Wie is Jezus volgens jou? En wat wilde hij op aarde bereiken?
Who in your opinion was Jesus? And how would you describe his mission?
Wat maakt iemand volgens jou tot een christen? What do you understand makes someone a Christian?
Als het mogelijk zou zijn, zou je God dan willen ontmoeten? Waarom (niet)?
If it were possible, would you want to know God in a personal way? Why (not)?
Are you a student and do you have the desire that your friends and fellow students get to know Jesus? If so, you should sign up for the Lift-Off!
Lift-Off is a weekend where you can deepen your own relation with God, where you can learn how to share your faith, and where you will meet other students who have the same desire for spreading the gospel. All of this will help you to grow in faith, hope and love!
This year, our theme will be ‘Praying into the Promised Land’. Prayer was of paramount importance for the people of Israel as they were travelling to the Promised Land. The same holds true for us! When we start sharing our faith, we should be moved by the needs of the people around us, we should be looking for Gods presence constantly and we should step out in faith, following His directions. We will delve deep into these subjects, taking the prayers of Moses in Exodus 32 en 33 as our guideline.
Sign up for the Lift-Off by filling out the form you find at the bottom of this page. If paying the indicated sum of money is challenging for you at the moment, please contact us at
You can sign up here for Lift-Off 2022