Biblical images of leadership

Biblical images of leadership

The leadership image of a shepherd

A few years ago I attended training for IFES staff and students. I was impressed and inspired by the teaching of the Bible about spiritual leadership. A few images did draw my attention especially. The image of a shepherd, servant, and patient helped me most during this training. 

At Studentlife we thought that a series on leadership would help us. So we decided to use a variety of materials for these training sessions. 

We will have a closer look at the image of a shepherd as a leadership model. This comes from Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. The main passages come from Psalm 23; John 10; Ezekiel 34; Acts 20; John 21.

Some of the lessons are the following: 

  • Good shepherding begins with God as our shepherd.
  • If God is our shepherd, then we have the following benefits: abundance, security, and intimacy. We, therefore, learn to lead out of a sense of our needs being continually satisfied. Leadership is healthy if leaders are not using others to meet their needs. 

We will discuss a few case studies that will help us make it practical and concrete. We hope the training will better prepare us to coach and mentor our students and student leaders.


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