Archive January 2016

Follow Up Tools

Tips for a follow up meeting

After a good conversation on campus there might be someone who is interested to talk further with you. here are some tips to get you going with this.

Have an open conversation about questions they might have

There are usually issues to talk about from the came from the initial first convesation you had. Talk further about them and try to explain things from your own perspective. In case you don’t have an answer don’t worry, we are all on the learning side. You can take this question with you and find out what the answer to this might be. Here is a good link to find out more.

Tools for follow up meetings

Furthermore, StudentLife has developed some good and easy to use tools for a follow up conversation. At the link below (building movements) you can find more information about these tools. However, the best thing is to attend a training. For more information about training opportunities send me an email at

There are also some follow up tools in order to help people grow in their faith. They are very useful if you would like to help a student who recently started a relationship with God. You can find them at the ‘Building Movements’ website.

Conversations on Campus

Two questions that students ask related to conversations on campus

Why should I talk about my faith with others? and where do I start, what do I say?

Why should I have conversations about my faith with others?

Here are some reasons why we should take the initiative and talk about what we believe with others.

What we believe impacts our lives, societies, and the world. What we believe really matters. This is a good reason why we should talk openly about our worldview, ideas, and beliefs. Furthermore, we can sharpen each other and grow in our understanding on many things. We all can learn from each other’s views. There is nothing to loose, nothing to be afraid of, nothing to hide. Communication that is open, respectful and challenging, something we should welcome. This brings us then to the second question, “where do I start?”

Where do I start, what do I say?

A good way to start a conversation is to learn and ask good questions. People are open to giving their opinion about what they think and believe. There are of course exceptions some times. Asking good questions helps us understand what others think, why they think so, and on what grounds they think so. This opens the door to share our own beliefs and opinions. So asking good questions is a good skill to learn, both for conversations about faith and for anything else we will be doing in our lives.

Where can I get more information about this?

StudentLife is training students on the campus in a few cities in The Netherlands. You can contact me for more information about this at

Have a look at some of the training material StudentLife is using

Here are some of the conversation tools StudentLife is using at the campus