Archive February 2015

Mission Weeks on Campus

Mission Weeks on Campus 

-Why run a mission week?

You can impact your University like never before. Contact Solomon for further information in The Netherlands. Here is the definite mission planning resource student unions use to plan their mission weeks on campus. It will answer questions of ‘why’ and ‘how’ run a mission week on your campus. 

Videos that help you prepare for your upcoming mission weeks or the ones you would like to attempt in your uni watch here

FEUER conference in Prague 2014

FEUER stands for Fellowship of Evangelists in the Universities of Europe.

About 100 student workers, many of them university evangelists, gathered together in order to get inspired and equipped to proclaim the good news in the university setting. Solomon went to the FEUER conference with two other IFES staff and one trainee. The staff plan to run two mission weeks in 2015, one in Groningen and one in Zwolle. Prayer is much appreciated for the preparation of these events.

University evangelist Michael Ots had this to say about the FEUER conference 2014 in Prague

During the FEUER conference we had John Lennox give a talk on ‘Has science buried God’ at the main lecture hall of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. More than 600 students attended this meeting. In the photo below you can see the moment when the man at the right side upstairs just made an announcement that there is no more place to enter the room. About 200 students were turned away. It was a special moment to see this happen in Prague. The general director of IFES in Prague told us that he never before saw something like this. It is obvious that many people are interested to hear more about the theistic Christian world view. You can watch the lecture here


Solomon giving a talk on What about suffering: Suffering. God. Humanism at ISS in The Hague


FEUER stands for Fellowship of Evangelists in the Universities of EuRope

My IFES colleague Bram van Putten was also there. It was special to be with Bram as this was my last trip for IFES before I joined Agape NL

My IFES colleague Bram van Putten was also there. It was special to be with Bram as this was my last trip for IFES before I joined Agape NL
